It's been a while but finally some new music from yours truly and hopefully now the start of some regular posts here. Its a collection of 8 tracks with a couple of songs included. Follow the link to my Bandcamp Site and have a listen as many times as you like and hopefully you might like to download the music.
About This Album
When my son moved to Australia for a year in January I thought it was the right time to finish off a few of the musical ideas and demo's I had. I set up a studio in his room and got to work. It's taken longer than I expected but has been rewarding and as most musicians will tell you, it's difficult trying to find the time to write and record and fit in the day job along with family life, but here we are and here it is.
The tracks are mainly instrumental (as you really don't want to hear me sing), some old and some new. One (Run On This Land) even going back 15 years or so, as I found the demo hidden away on my PC.
The two songs "Face To Face" and "Still Life" I wanted to get out there were written from my days with the band Quecia, not sure if we'll ever make any music together again but I felt it was such a shame to leave them sitting on my PC's hard drive. Hopefully Paul, Kirsty and Hayley will like what I've done and we'll finish some more of the many songs we still have, at some point in the not too distant future...
The rest of the album is a fairly eclectic collection of the styles of music I like to hear. I have no idea what genre or label you'd put on this, I'll leave that to others. I'd like to think it's a little bit Prog, but who knows!
The album is only available here in digital format at the moment, but with Bandcamp's options you can download the better quality files not just mp3's so you can hear them as they were intended and burn them to a CD. I have no plans for a physical CD at the moment but you never know what's round the corner.
I hope you enjoy the music and please let me know what you think by email or any of the social networks.